Sunday, April 24, 2011

Visit by Vasanth from Bangalore

Visit by Vasanth
Thu - Sun, Apr 21-24, 2011
Tallahassee, FL

My friend Vasanth from Bangalore visited our family for few days on his way to a conference in Florida. He arrived late on Thursday night from Charlotte. VTS was away at Houston at a conference. We discussed about his research work and updated him with my current research in Biophysics.

On Friday we had a very busy day visiting IMB, Biology, Chemistry. We also stopped by his collaborator's office twice to meet with him personally. Unfortunately his collaborator was not available during our both visits. We left our telephone number and went to the Mag Lab. Since my friends interest is in the magnetic and electrical properties materials.

On Saturday we went to TKD, Lake Ella and finally to Wakulla Springs State Park. We had a reasonably relaxing day on Saturday. Then early this moring he left for his conference via Greyhound Bus Service.

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